Visualising the Air Quality in Macedonia on your WordPress Website

Darko Gjorgjijoski
February 25, 2020

I wrote simple WordPress plugin that will display the current air quality. The plugin provides various tools for visualising the air quality in Republic of Macedonia on your WordPress website.

The air pollution data is provided by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning.

Example 1: Multiple stations (with dropdown)

[mkdaiq_chart timemode=’Day’ xlabels=1 station=Centar]

[mkdaiq_chart timemode='Day' xlabels=1 station=Centar]

Example 2: One station only (no dropdown)

[mkdaiq_chart station=’Kicevo’ stations_selector=0 unit=’CO’ timemode=’Week’]

[mkdaiq_chart station='Kicevo' stations_selector=0  unit='CO' timemode='Week']

Example 3: Map with all the stations

[mkdaiq_map date=’2020-01-01′ zoom=8]

[mkdaiq_map date='2020-01-01' zoom=8]

Example 4: Most polluted areas now

[mkdaiq_rank date=’today’ timemode=’Day’ type=’last’ order=’1′]

[mkdaiq_rank date='today' timemode='Day' type='last' order='1']
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